What you need to know about Black Rice
Call it the Forbidden Rice or Emperors rice or the Purple Rice; just like its many names Black Rice also has many incredible properties.
Thousands of years ago in ancient China, black rice was forbidden for common people and reserved only for the royal families or the elite classes because of its high nutritional value and it being the most expensive; only few could afford it- thus emanated the name The Emperors Rice.
Now let’s take a deep dive into a myriad of benefits that black rice provides and how it plays a great deal of importance in improving your health and skin.
- Black Rice contains a compound called C3G - Cyanidin-3- Glucoside that reduces leptin in our body. ( Leptin is the substance that produces hunger.) In short, it helps aid weight loss.
Black rice or Purple rice is not exactly black in colour-it’s more of a deep shade of purple. The outermost layer of the black rice grain contains large amount of antioxidant named Anthocyanin.
Anthocyanin is the photochemical found in deep dark coloured fruits and vegetables and is known for its strong antioxidant as well as the other health promoting properties. - Black rice has actually 3O times the amount of antioxidants than white rice and is rich in 18 amino acids, minerals and vitamins like copper, zinc, iron and carotene. Amino acids are very crucial to many of your body’s functions; from helping repair skin and tissues to improving your energy levels and digestion.
- Black rice also has a lower glycemic index meaning that it doesn’t spike your blood sugar up , thus reducing the risk of diabetes and cancer.
Apart from benefitting your health this antioxidant rich grain also work wonders to your skin. You all must be knowing about the latest white rice DIY trend on the Internet and how it helps in sorting your various skin issues. Here, we are talking about black rice which we already mentioned has 30 times the antioxidant than white rice. Antioxidants are pretty much an all rounder for a lot of different skincare concerns. From exfoliating your skin,to cleansing to providing hydration and soothing your skin, black rice does all your job.
Black rice is the star ingredient of most of our haruharu WONDER skin care range.