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About Us

Wonder Skin Care is the brainchild of Akanksha & Mohit. It all started when Akanksha was diagnosed with a type of skin dermatitis, which we were told is an incurable disease, it can only be subsided by anti-virals but this is a disease which will last a lifetime. We visited numerous dermatologists, homeopaths and tried various home remedies but to no avail, each treatment soothed the irritation but as soon as the body got immune to the treatment, the condition would get aggravated again and all the doctor could do was increase the dosage until the body got immune to that as well, in doing that there was a time when Akanksha was popping anti-virals like tic tacs and that was taking a toll on her physical, as well as her mental health. 

In midst of all this we got pregnant and Akanksha was bearing our first child, and her obgyn made her stop all anti-virals and all the other medication because if she continued to do so, then that would affect the foetus. Akanksha being the absolutist that she is stopped anything and everything that would cause any harm to our child, that meant no medication, clean food and no skin products because they contain a lot of chemicals and they are absorbed into the skin.
Skin dermatitis is a disease which is a part of the blood stream and one worry that we both had was that there are chances that our child might also have it, and this concern gave us many sleepless nights. But to our amazement, because of Akanksha’s clean diet and her refraining from using skin products with chemicals, her condition simply went away, even though she had stopped all her medications. As you can imagine, we were overjoyed beyond reason. 
This made us contemplate everything we were doing before being pregnant which was adverse to what we were doing now, which led us to the conclusion that the skin care products that we buy just because we liked the smell or the packaging was fancy or was placed in such a way at the store that it was impossible to resist picking it up, that was causing all of the skin concerns. Thus led Akanksha’s endless nights of research on the skin care products, her study of the ingredients and the formulations resulted in the outcome that Akanksha never really had skin dermatitis, her skin was just ultra-sensitive, and the products that she was using on her skin were causing her condition to aggravate, mainly the fragrance used in those products, thus we started to search for clean skin care products, which introduced us to the world of Korean skin care or better known as “K-beauty”
One fine day this idea popped into our heads that we build a business around the idea of clean skin care and thus we started looking for brands that matched our ideology and maybe it was fate that we came across haruharu WONDER, a brand that matched our thought process to the “T”. They use 95% vegan ingredients and represent clean beauty in each of their products.
We simply love the haruharu WONDER range and we hope with all our hearts that you will too.